liz & alex's road trip adventure, days 2 & 3

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We didn't have much wifi access yesterday or today, thus the late update on day 2 of our trip.

We've been doing a lot of driving. On Wednesday, we drove from Ann Arbor, MI to Cedar Rapids, IA, where we stayed with friends of the family. That was a lot of driving, without much time for sightseeing.

We did take a few minutes to visit the Chippiannock Cemetery in Rock Island, IL, where a monument to a beloved dog looks over the graves of the two children that he guarded even after they'd died of diptheria and been buried there.

Rex the Faithful Dog 1

This morning, we left our friends' house around 9:30am and headed north to the Field of Dreams Movie Site, because Alex and I both loved the movie. It was unremarkable, really, but it was nice to say we'd been there.

Field of Dreams 1

As we traveled north on I-35, Alex used the Roadside America app to discover that the Buddy Holly Crash Site was close by. How could we resist stopping to see that?! We got a little turned around in cornfields, but finally located the entrance to the correct field. Alex did the half-mile trek to the actual shrine, but I stuck around the entrance, which has a giant pair of Buddy Holly eyeglasses.

Buddy Holly Crash Site 3

That added some time and miles onto the trip, so rather than making it all the way to Mitchell, SD (home of the Corn Palace), we ended up using Priceline to book a room at the Sheraton here in Sioux Falls, SD. Our plan is to get up early tomorrow so that we have time to hit the Corn Palace, Wall Drug, Badlands National Park, and Mount Rushmore. Then we'll be spending the night in Hot Springs, an hour south of Rushmore. Another long day, but filled with lots of cool stuff.

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This page contains a single entry published on July 22, 2010 10:24 PM.

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