liz & alex's road trip adventure, day 5

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Another wonderful day on the road! We started out with a visit to Carhenge, which was one of Alex's prime objectives on this trip. It was something to behold!

Carhenge -6

After that, we made our way down to Chimney Rock National Historic Site, where we read a bit about the Oregon Trail and were careful to avoid the snakes.

Chimney Rock (Nebraska) - 2

From there, it was a short drive to Scotts Bluff National Monument, which was really beautiful. (I broke down and bought an annual park pass here, and they even credited me for the $15 we spent at Badlands yesterday.)

Scotts Bluff - 1

Then we headed to Colorado, where we're spending the night with a lovely family that we found on When we arrived, they brought us to a cookout at a local beach, and then set us up comfortably at their house with a bed for me, a futon for Alex, and tons of gracious hospitality. There's a lot to be said for trust-but-verify systems like couchsurfing!

Picnic in Longmont - 2

Now that we're settled in, Alex is watching a movie via NetFlix on the iPad, and I'm about ready to hit the sack. We don't have too much driving tomorrow, happily--we'll be stopping in Colorado Springs to see the Air Force Academy (where Gerald spent nearly three years), and the Garden of the Gods. From there, we're headed to CaƱon City and the world's highest suspension bridge.

(To see more photos from today's trip, check out Flickr. I haven't uploaded the photos from the Canon 30D yet--only the Hipstamatic shots from my phone. The rest should go up tomorrow night.)

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This page contains a single entry published on July 24, 2010 11:05 PM.

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