liz & alex's road trip adventure, day 4

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Today was an amazing day, starting with the has-to-be-seen-to-be-believed 1880 Cowboy Town just outside of Sioux Falls, followed by Badlands National Park, Wall Drug, Mount Rushmore, and the Crazy Horse Memorial.

I'm exhausted, so I'm not going to write the lengthy blog entry that's already forming in my head. That will have to wait 'til our pace slows down. But I have uploaded my photos from today to Flickr , so you can get an idea of all we've seen and done today.

Tomorrow, Carhenge!!! Then we'll visit Scotts Bluff National Monument in Nebraska. After that we'll head down through Wyoming into Colorado, where we're having our first ""couchsurfing":" night in Longmont. Alex is pretty sure they'll be axe murderers, and if he's right there will be no more updates. I'm a bit more optimistic. :)

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This page contains a single entry published on July 24, 2010 12:35 AM.

liz & alex's road trip adventure, days 2 & 3 was the previous entry in this blog.

liz & alex's road trip adventure, day 5 is the next entry in this blog.

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