seeking sydney travel tips


In less than five days I'm leaving for Sydney, Australia! I'm super-excited about this trip. I've been invited to give a keynote at the Information Online conference, and since it didn't make sense to fly that far for only a day or two, I'm spending a full week in Sydney. I leave Rochester this Friday (1/16), and arrive in Sydney on Sunday (thanks to crossing the date line). I'll be there until 1/25, when I head back home.

I'll be staying at a hotel in Darling Harbour, but during the last several days of my stay, when my conference obligations are over, I'd really like to take some day trips out of the city (by train or tour bus...I don't think it would be wise for me to try to drive while I'm there).

Any suggestions for must-see places in town or outside the city limits? I'd like to see the beaches and the mountains and the opera house and the koalas in the zoo and...and...omg I'm so excited!


Hey Liz, You will have a fabulous time! The zoo is totally amazing in terms of how it is managed and also the location and view (especially from where the giraffes are). Best restaurant I went to - if a bit pricey - was Icebergs (at Bondi Beach - a taxi ride). I didn't have time to do the bridge climb - or the money - but everyone I have spoken to who has done it says it is great. Problem with it is that it takes way too much out of a day!

Hey Liz, You will have a fabulous time! The zoo is totally amazing in terms of how it is managed and also the location and view (especially from where the giraffes are). Best restaurant I went to - if a bit pricey - was Icebergs (at Bondi Beach - a taxi ride). I didn't have time to do the bridge climb - or the money - but everyone I have spoken to who has done it says it is great. Problem with it is that it takes way too much out of a day!


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