[S]ome people will one day try to convince you that what I've done here is some sort of sickening betrayal of your childhood, and what those people fail to recognize is that I am doing the exact opposite. This is the glorification of your childhood, and even more than that this is a community of women coming together to make each other feel less alone. You are a part of this movement, you and all of the other kids whose mothers are sitting at home right now writing tirelessly about their experiences as mothers, the love and frustration and madness of it all. And I think one day you will look at all of this and pump your fist in the air.
The reality is we don't know another person's family unless we're in it day by day. (Out of over two hundred posts... only a couple were critical? And these people were labeled the "haters"?)
Not saying any more about that... but lived through it.
The criticism came from elsewhere, I believe, not so much from commenters on her site.
If you do a Google News search on "Heather Armstrong", you'll see some of what she's responding to. She talks about the hate mail she gets in this WSJ piece.