o canada


This week I'm off to give keynotes at two different Canadian conferences--the Manitoba Library Association meeting in Winnipeg on Wednesday, and Webcom Montreal on Thursday. I leave Tuesday morning, and come home Friday evening.

I've never been to either Winnipeg or Montreal, so it's a bit of an adventure. I'm a bit sad to leave behind the fabulous weather Rochester is having right now (no, I'm not being sarcastic), but looking forward to the talks and to seeing some new cities.

If you're in either city, and want to get together, drop me a note...I should have some free time available.


Montreal is a beautiful city. I had a great time when I was there last summer (photos on my flickr). It is also Jared C's favorite city I do believe. Have fun!

I hope you get this in time: a bunch of us are meeting up at Café Mélies at 6PM. The address is 3540, Saint-Laurent.

Sean Moffit, Kate Trgovac, Fred Cavazza, Michel Leblanc, Martin Lessard and a whole gang will all be there.

I am anxious to talk edublogging with you since you are one of the first I read when I began my own experimentation. You will love Montréal and the croud of Webcom... Three students will share the desk with me for my speach, but I'm not sure they speak English; how about your french Liz???

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