back in bellevue


We moved out of the boat this morning (another gray and damp morning, so I wasn't too sorry to leave), packed the cars full of our "can't ship it, can't live without it" stuff, and headed back across Puget Sound to Bellevue, where we're staying with friends until next Wednesday. (I'm speaking at the MSR Faculty Summit on Tuesday, so we can't leave 'til after that.) I'm glad to be in more spacious quarters, and the boys are particularly happy to be with their friends for a few days, and to have cable TV and easy wifi access. But it's still not home. :(

The next few days will be busy. I have to get my presentation put together for next week, there are a series of goodbye dinners and parties to attend, we've promised the boys a trip to Leavenworth or the San Juan Islands before we leave, and then there's the conference on Monday and Tuesday.

Wednesday we'll start the cross-country trek home. Since we're taking both of our cars, it means Gerald and I both have to drive the whole time. On the plus side, it also means the boys will be in separate cars, which will make the trip significantly less stressful for everyone. (After a few hour with both of them in my car this morning I was almost ready to dump them by the side of the road...)


I've tried dumping my kids by the side of the road, it never works. Suggest getting a couple of the walkie talkies (and a couple of batteries). Make them both communications officers for the trip. Stop often and stay awake.

We're going to miss you. Having you part of our lives was one of the more enjoyable parts of the past year. Hope to run into you at lots of conferences in the future.

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This page contains a single entry published on July 13, 2006 2:23 PM.

sixapart's lousy timing was the previous entry in this blog.

cross-country trip day 1: bellevue, wa to winthrop, wa is the next entry in this blog.

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