It's so quiet in our house at 4:30am. And cold, this morning--it's actually colder here in Seattle than it is back in Rochester, which is unusual. Feels odd to be packing sleeveless tops and sandals, but it's going to be 90 in Austin, so sweaters don't make a lot of sense. (Though I do recall the convention center being quite frigid, so I'm bringing a fleece pullover.)
I've downloaded a few TV shows for my iPod, checked my mail, told American to ping me if my flights change. I've printed my boarding passes, packed my camera, and remembered my brand-new Bose noise-cancelling headphones (a gift from Gerald that I've been looking forward to trying out on an airplane). I've packed socks and bras and underwear, pants and shirts and sandals, hairbrush and toothbrush. Still have the nagging feeling I'm forgetting something, but chances are I won't remember what it is until after my plane's in the air. With luck it will be something easy and inexpensive to replace in Austin.
Now it's time for breakfast, sleepy hugs and kisses from Gerald and the boys, and a (hopefully traffic-free) trip down 405 to SeaTac. Austin, here I come...
I love the imagery in this post. Hope you enjoyed your trip!