good spot for watching space needle fireworks?


For any Seattle-ites reading this today, where's a good place to watch the Space Needle fireworks from tonight? Preferably someplace where the traffic won't be awful coming back home (up at the northern tip of Lake Washington).


Liz - you may have come across these wiki sites already and I don't know if any have the answer to your question (a little late, I know), but I thought I'd take the opportunity to do some wiki promoting :)'s_Online_Civic_Engagement_Initiative

Hope you're enjoying your stay in Seattle!

Not a clue... but where did you find that archive dropdown and how did you get the archive counts? I found some hints, but would love a bit more. Will buy ya a latte the next time our paths cross. :-) (By the way, set up a bunch of subcategories and then regretted it... but I guess it's easy enough to undo.)

Never mind, I found it on! Happy New Year, Liz, and thanks for a great blog.

i like to watch firework from Alki point.

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