- cull inbox (made serious progress on this)
- work on tomorrow's slides (yes, I'm a chronic procrastinator...)
- gaze out window (the cascades were gorgeous, but it's been mostly cloudy since then)
- listen to selections from Song's music library (currently enjoying Better Than Ezra)
- feel grateful (once again) for my wonderful Etymotic earphones
- wonder why the large woman seated on the aisle looks so sour (who knew you could purse your lips disapprovingly even while you sleep?)
- consider reading novel for book group (didn't get any further than consideration; funny how "needing" to read something makes it instantly unattractive)
- read obligatory mindless magazines (today's purchases: People, O, and Redbook)
- try to decide whether for a 48 hour trip it makes more sense to try to keep my mind thinking it's on PST rather than EST (not sure I can really control this, though)
If you are on the Hottie and the Blowfish channel you must wait for 'Drown' by Sunvolt - a must listen. As far as the 48 hour trip - anything more than 2 days I look to make the time shift and anything less I try to stay on EST. Makes getting home that much more enjoyable!