i'm getting boring

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Nobody's said that to me, but I know it's true. Lately, my blog hasn't been much more than a "here's what I'm doing now" update. Useful to friends and family, but not particularly insightful.

Someone asked me at a presentation on Friday how much time I spend blogging, and the answer right now is less than an hour a week. It's no wonder I'm not turning out much of substance--I'm not putting much mental energy into the process.

Today I've been packing boxes. Yes, again. Yes, still. And I'm reminded of how much I hate this process of packing up. The frustration of having things look messier and more cluttered with every box I pack. It never makes sense. Shouldn't things look less cluttered as I pack them away? But there's a level of chaos that the packing process engenders that seems uncontrollable. I don't deal with that chaos well, so I end up cranky. And when mama's not happy, ain't nobody happy 'round here, alas.

I'm eleven days away from departure, and the gulf between here and there seems insurmountable today. Outside it feels like Alabama--90s and humid. The soaking rain from earlier today increased the humidity rather than reducing it, and the only saving grace is that our air conditioning still works.

Perhaps when life at home is less chaotic, life on my blog will gain some energy and creativity again. I hope so. In the meantime, I'll return to my sisyphean tasks, and will hope that at some point it will start to feel like we're making progress.

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This page contains a single entry published on June 12, 2005 3:58 PM.

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