safe and sound in dubai

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Flights lasting over twelve hours are never fun, but flying from JFK to Dubai on Emirates was surprisingly tolerable. I'm now safely ensconced in my hotel room at the Al Bustan Rotana hotel, where the bed looks very inviting right now.

Network access here is outrageously priced (about $7/hour, or $35/day), so I won't be online as much as I'd planned. And I foolishly forgot the USB cable for my camera, so photos will have to wait 'til I return.

There are already good stories to tell, and I'll write them offline for posting when I have a chance. For now, a hot bath and then sleep are my primary goals. Tomorrow I'll be sightseeing with a fellow speaker, Sabra Brock, and then finishing my presentation prep in the evening. Tuesday is the conference, and then Wednesday I'll be spending some time with a good friend's cousin--she's in the IT program at the American University of Dubai, and I'm looking forward to finding out more about that program.

1 Comment

very nice! cannot wait to read your travelogue liz... was lovely to see you again... smooth sailing back home... (:=

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This page contains a single entry published on March 6, 2005 2:29 PM.

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