It rocks because it's funny. To redesign a blog in the exact same style that Google uses is unexpected and therefore entertaining. It's a very creative way to present the content, too...he did a great job of including all the content you'd expect to see on a blog's front page, but all within the standard Google results page format.
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This page contains a single entry published on September 9, 2004 8:53 AM.
Haha that's awesome :)
Hmm, a carbon copy design of Google.
Eric, Liz,:
for the novices out here, why does this rock?
It rocks because it's funny. To redesign a blog in the exact same style that Google uses is unexpected and therefore entertaining. It's a very creative way to present the content, too...he did a great job of including all the content you'd expect to see on a blog's front page, but all within the standard Google results page format.