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It is indeed showtime, folks. Like Weez, I'd forgotten how much I enjoy being in the classroom, especially when teaching the web design classes I enjoy most.

And on the professional front, interesting activities are just ahead. A social software workshop at USC, a visit to Redmond, and an NSF workshop in October; the CSCW conference in November.

Summer was a good and healing hibernation period for me, but I find that when I'm not regularly interacting with colleagues--in person, not just online--my mind is less active, less creative, less productive. Being around my RIT colleagues re-energizes my teaching self, and being able to travel this fall to see colleagues with whom I share research and writing interests is re-energizing my research self.


USC, MS, NSF, CSCW -- but no AOIR? Rats.

No, no AOIR this year. International travel is really hard to justify these days. The first three trips are being paid by my hosts, and the fourth will be my one department-paid trip for the year. Anything else I do this year will have to either be paid for by the place I'm going, or come out of my pocket.

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