mt courseware 3.1 is coming

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The announcement about new features in the upcoming MT3.1 release has gotten me excited about revising my courseware for this fall. In particular, the multi-blog option ("A plugin which allows you to include template content from one weblog in any other weblog in your Movable Type install"), the post scheduling, and the improved php/dynamic capability will all make it much easier to create a more robust courseware implementation that doesn't require nearly so much by-hand duplication of content when creating multiple sections of a course, or new course instances from one quarter/semester to another.

I'm hoping to be able to make the changes during August, and get the new courseware instructions out soon after 3.1 is released on 8/31. For those of us who start teaching after Labor Day, that works...I know there are others for whom it will be too late for this semester. :(

BTW, if you haven't checked recently, the new pricing for MT 3.x for educators is quite reasonable...I bought a $39.95 license that will cover all of my personal and class blogs.

I haven't given up on the idea of a WordPress version, but I'm holding off until WordPress officially supports multiple blogs, since most of us teach more than one course.

5 TrackBacks

Moveable Type 3.1 as Coursware from Weblogg-ed - Using Weblogs and RSS in Education on July 30, 2004 11:13 AM

Liz Lawley thinks the new version of Moveable Type will be a lot more teacher friendly. Read More

From "weblogg-ed news": Liz Lawley thinks the new version of Moveable Type will be a lot more teacher friendly. Read More

MT courseware 3.1 is coming from anil dash's daily links on July 30, 2004 1:43 PM Read More

Recently bouncing around a few edublogs are echos of Liz Lawley's MT Courseware 3.1 is coming: The announcement about new features in the upcoming MT3.1 release has gotten me excited about revising my courseware for this fall. In particular, the... Read More

I am using MT installed on my university server, which is fine (though it means that I need to ask... Read More


[voice type="mr.burns" volume="medium"][fingers type="wiggly"]Excellent.[/fingers][/voice]

This is great, Liz! You'll probably also want to check out TypeMover, Seb's excellent utility for backing up/cloning MT blogs within an installation.

I, too, was looking at WordPress for my course blog, but as soon as I heard about the new version of MT, I decided to take my chances and wait for that version. Classes start for me on the day MT 3.1 is released, so it'll be a massive challenge to customize everything by that Saturday's orientation!

I have been following your blog for sometime and I am encouraged by your enthusiasm and your help for us online teacher kinds of folks.
I did not implement your courseware this quarter, have purchased MT3.1 and am eagerly awaiting your courseware for MT3. I've incorporated some of your ideas into my course interfaces already. I can't wait to get set-up with courseware later this quarter (ends 30 Sep 04)
Sometimes a fella can feel all alone, but with a community of mentors such as yourself, all is possible!

Hi Liz,

I'm eager to try to implement your fab courseware but noticed that the link to the zipped template files currently doesn't go anywhere. Any plans to put those back up?

Keep up the great work!


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