fixin' ta go


My southern stepdaughter tutored my friends last year in the art of southern leavetaking. "Fixin' ta go" was a central phrase in that tutorial--since then, it's become a symbol of drawn-out, sociable preparations for departure around here. (Weez even uses it as one of her AIM away messages...)

At any rate, I'm fixin' ta go to Santa Clara tomorrow morning, to attend (and speak at) Supernova. I leave Rochester at 8:15am, change planes in Chicago, and arrive in San Jose around 12:40pm. I've downloaded a slew of entertaining audiobooks from to amuse me en route. Still on the to-do list are backing up the computer, finishing laundry, and packing.

See you in sunny California...


if you see Judith Meskill, say hello and let her know about the NJ toxic waste blog is comming together. almost got arrested for collecting water samples in Secaucus. Also let her know if she has any artist friend with sculpure, that our visually impaired photographers would touch and photograph the sculptures.

and tremedous best wishes to Danah Boyd, cybergoddess. don't be she, just say stef pantagis says hello.

have been working with the backchannel thing which i learned about here. will post a sample p2p and medical informatics project i came up from that discussion...have fun with the backchannels!!!!

Southern accents are so cute.

Have a great trip and enjoy the books!

I have always fantasized about moving to a place that has a thick accent. I would live there long enough to assimilate the tong, and move back to Western N.Y, Just to hear what my Buffalo accent sounds like.

Have a great time professor, I am jealous, I think it is extremely cool to be able to travel to these events and participate as well.

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This page contains a single entry published on June 22, 2004 3:07 PM.

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