music that hath charms

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Thanks to ecto, it only takes a click of a button to tell you that I'm currently listening to Ghost In This House from the album Live (Disc 1) by Alison Krauss + Union Station.

But that doesn't quite communicate the sublime quality of Krauss' voice, or the way her music transports me--in this case from a lonely hotel lobby to a small slice of paradise.

I think a lot of people avoid Allison Kraus and Union Station because they're a bluegrass band, and not everyone's a bluegrass fan (me included). But do yourself a favor and listen to her rendition of the song above, or to her version of Baby, Now That I've Found You, or When You Say Nothing At All.

And now I'm off to grab some food and catch a cab to the San Jose airport. Tomorrow morning I'll be home again. And glad to be there, too.

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Loic Rocks! from James Seng's Blog on July 6, 2004 9:19 PM

Loic Stealth Disco Liz! Sweet! (He definately looks cooler then me :-)

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An I thought I was the only non-C&W type to have discovered Alison Krauss.

Well, I am an immense bluegrass fan... and not very country.

I've been been following Allison (angel-voice) Kraus for many years... and there's not a better voice any where and her fiddle is incredible.

Oh, that's right, Union Station... just who is Ron Block, Dan Taminsky, etc. Oh, I dunno, alone... one of the best bands on the market, with Allison... they are her sound.

Am I a fan??? Ohhhhhhh, yes!!!!

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