eggs to spare


If you're craving an invitation to Breedster (a combination multi-player game, tamagotchi system, and social networking service in which you are a bug that can ingest, defacate, and fornicate), I have some extra eggs (which serve as invitations). Let me know.


Hey, sounds good to me.

Never one to pass up the next big thing in defecation or community sites, if you have one left, I'll take one :)

Yeah, but I can *already* ingest, defacate, and fornicate in Orkut. Thanks anyway. ; . )

In case you still have eggs, I'll be happy to receive one! And thanks anyway for sharing your thoughts! ;-)

If you still have some eggs left, be so kind to drop me one ;-)

Mind sending me one? Thanks!

May I have one? Sounds interesting!

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This page contains a single entry published on April 7, 2004 7:56 PM.

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