countries i've visited

| 3 Comments | 4 TrackBacks

So I've been to 19 countries, which is only 8% of the countries in the world. Lots more traveling left to do. I've never been anywhere in Africa or South America or the South Pacific.

Create your own visited country map, courtesy of the MyWorld66 site.

4 TrackBacks

i always get slightly annoyed when taiwan is not listed in political maps of the world. it's certainly none of my business, but ticking china for taiwan rubs me the wrong way altogether. Boy-oh-boy my dyslexia is getting political! Liz... Read More

States I've Visited from Matthew G. Kirschenbaum on April 24, 2004 5:34 PM

Via Liz, except I'm not as well travelled so I've restricted myself to the USA. Airports where I've changed planes certainly don't count, and I've also omitted states I've only driven through on the way to somewhere else. As you Read More

Got to plan a trip to Leeds in July, a.s.a.p. (off to this conference). Maybe this will motivate me: places... Read More

Visited Countries from Too Much News on May 18, 2004 5:24 PM

create your own visited country map or write about it on the open travel guide (via mamamusings) Read More


Boy, visiting China must have taken a long time -- it's such a big country!


Yeah, those three days in Shanghai sure had a disproportionate effect on the map, didn't they?

Then again, maybe it compensates for the miniscule dot that represents our year in Malta!

i visited 57 countries. never bee to central and south america. 25% of the world but still too many interesting countries to see

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This page contains a single entry published on April 24, 2004 4:16 PM.

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