my rite of spring

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One of the nice things about maintaining a blog for more than a year is the ability to see annual cycles.

Every year, when Rochester shakes off its interminable wintry grayness and takes on the subtle gold-green of early spring, I'm reminded of my favorite Robert Frost poem, Nothing Gold Can Stay.

Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.

By mid-April, I've generally given up hope that spring will ever arrive. But this year, I was able to look back in my archives and see that I'd posted the poem on April 22nd of last year. Mother Nature was consistent this year; I noticed on the drive home last night that we'd hit that golden moment. By this evening, it had already edged closer to green.

Anil has his annual panda joke; I'm thinking that this poem will be my annual ritual, a reminder to me that spring really does come to Rochester, every year.

1 TrackBack

Well, spring has been here for a while now, so I decided it was time to update my header image. Read More


Hmm, your trackback script seems to be a bit wonky. The main page says this post has a trackback, but I don't see it here.

Regardless, this is the post I was trying to trackback: Spring is here

BTW, I'm a student at RIT. That tree is from the BCG90 quad.

Eh, now the trackback appears... oh well.

That is the cleanest version of that joke I EVER heard.




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This page contains a single entry by Liz Lawley published on April 21, 2004 6:42 PM.

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