women and tech pointers

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I suppose I should post these over at misbehaving...and I probably will, in a few days. Right now, I'm trying to let my less-academic co-authors over there have center stage for a while. :)

I gave a presentation to women in our college today on the research I'm currently working on; you can find the presentation on our project web site.

And I've proposed a BoF session for women in emerging tech at the upcoming Emerging Tech conference. If you're a woman who's going to be at the conference, and would like to meet and talk with other women who'll be there, please add a vote for the session on the wiki page.

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You might like this rather cynical quotation from Anthony Trollope:

"Nobody ever goes into a library to read, any more than you would into a larder to eat. But there is this difference -- the food you consume does come out of the larders, but the books you read never come out of the libraries"

Chapter 23 of Can You Forgive Her?, 1865

To which our heroine replies, equally ironically, "Except Mudie's!" (Mudie's being the popular circulating library of the time).

I should have added this comment to one of your librarianship postings, but they are closed.

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