travel plans for the new year

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It's going to be a busy, busy first quarter for me, it seems.

A trip to Chicago in January to do some consulting.

A trip to San Diego in February to speak at O'Reilly's Emerging Technology Conference.

The much-anticipated Asian trip with my mother and son in late February/early March.

And I've just agreed to be on a panel ("Streetwise Librarians and the Revolution in Public Information") at SXSW Interactive in Austin in March.

Whew. I'm tired just looking at that. :/ Every one of them is a trip I'm really interested in making, but in the aggregate, it's a daunting itinerary for someone who much prefers sleeping in her own bed...

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New Year's Eve from Planned Obsolescence on December 31, 2003 8:54 PM

I've returned from the MLA adventure, and the Louisiana adventure before that, and the London adventure before that. I'm not, as Liz is, the kind of person who ordinarily prefers sleeping in her own bed, but after the better part of three weeks on the ... Read More

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