Ouch. Weez's server--with all the family blogs on it--has been hacked. I'm hoping the provider has a recent backup she can restore from. I took this as a sign, and did a quick backup of mamamusings just now. I use MT with mySQL, so I was able to use the phpMyAdmin interface my hosting provider offers to export all the data quickly and easily, and it's now one of a series of archived files sitting on my hard drive. (Last backup was 12/9.) Will probably burn some CDs of critical data this week, too, just to be extra careful.
Regular backups of critical data--that's an excellent goal for the new year, don't you think? Email. Blogs. Curricular materials. Etc. Etc. A small investment in recordable media, a huge return in peace of mind.
Thanks for passing along the word to Weez, although the hack is still up as of this writing (4:38PM)
And there was a great segment on What The Tech? a while back by their itinerant correspondant down South about the importance of backing up data on a regular basis. Good piece, if memory serves me correctly.
(Memory also serves in the December edition of http://www.urbanhiker.net -- left hand column, third link under the cover image)
Thank you for this excellent reminder Elisabeth!
I just downloaded a 90 MB+ GZIP from my provider... but I guess the manuel mySQL dump is another great idea to perform...
merry x-mas to you and your family!
wow, that stinks. I last saved my blog on disk about 5 days ago. It helps when you have to change servers over break because you're using your laptop as your web server. :-P (Soon to change, hopefully!)
Hi Liz,
why don't you automate a task to backup the changed files daily, a so-called delta log? Then you don't have to remember to do anything.
Stu, I probably should.
fivecats, I called her cell, too, and left a message on her voice mail. But she's celebrating the season in Virginia with her family, so I don't know how long it will take her to get to it. (Nor do I know how much depends on her hosting service's responsiveness...)
Liz, thanks for letting me know. It's still hacked as of today (2:38pm). I'd forgotten she has family in VA; Stephe had mentioned that a while back.
Happy holidays!
Thanks for the empathy.
Yeah, dad notice the hack two days ago. (shrug). Ignored it until a while ago. No damage done. The hack was to the index files, and it was matter of just rebuilding the site in MT once the ISP had fixed their hole.
Funny, I had backed up all of the blog stuff not too long ago...but my laptop is fried. (The greater concern).
So I am leaving technology behind for a bit and returning to the family.
Oh look! more food!
gotta go...