happy blogiversary to me

| 8 Comments | 7 TrackBacks

One year.

Four hundred and thirty-nine entries.

One thousand, five hundred and forty-six comments. (Thanks for being the first, Joi!)

Over fourteen thousand page views per month.

An entire world of new friends and colleagues.

A changed life.

7 TrackBacks

happy blogiversary to me . Read More

One of my favorite weblogs is having its first blogiversary today: One year. Four hundred and thirty-nine entries. One thousand, five hundred and forty-six comments. (Thanks for being the first, Joi!) Over fourteen thousand page views per month. An ent... Read More

Wow. I started off this fine day with a test in Macroeconomics. It wasn't pretty at first, but then I just seemed to get what the hell she was talking about. I'm not sure I did well, but I didn't... Read More

Tentacle Porn, Circa 1814. The Bloggers dream pda/phone/camera (hypothetical) Happy Blogiversary to Liz. Dell's TV. I'm gonna have to figure out del.icio.us. Kellan responded to this post with this link, a description of an "open editing" system the In... Read More

An interesting thing has happened over the last few days, maybe longer (Thing - yes thing). It's that these characters that have populated comments here, and those that I visit elsewhere have taken on increasingly tangible qualities. There is evidence... Read More

Happy one-year anniversary to Mamamusings -- it was the wonderful Liz Lawley, together with MB Williams, who made me aware and later addicted to this thing called blogging. Should one be grateful to one's "blogmothers?" I suppose so, but in... Read More

It hasn't been that long, really. I only started doing this blog thing in June. Well shy of a blogiversary. Yet, in this short time we have developed a cluster of sorts, interlinked like-minded folks with tangential arms. I can... Read More


Happy Blogiversary. Was great meeting you in Toronto (although I hesitate to speculate on how that picture turned out) ;)

Happy blogiversary Liz!

Hey! Congratulations!

Happy blogiversary!

Cele-brat-ory challenge from the comment creature.

Fascinating cathexis in the mind of the blogger.
The microphone metaphor both in the first post (... is this thing on?) and in the track back from Many 2 Many. Very suggestive. Microphones amplify voice and instruments. They do the actual recording.

I think that there is another anniversary date to celebrate... re the skin of the site. Especially given recent comments on aggregators.

What was it like re-reading that first posting wrapped in the new skin? And is there an archive of the other looks?

Will some blogger adopt a seasonal approach to styling? Will the software developers build in such features as shifting style sheets based on local time of access?

And in celebration of your aniversary I just had to run the word "microphone" through the search engine -- it of course appears in a comment capturing a track back but not in any of the entries per se. So what about "thing"? Which leads me to a friendly challenge... can the next year be free of the word "thing" in all the blog entries (very permissible in comments) [certainly a little content filter script could help Liz manage this feat] Okay let's start small a "thing"-free month.

Look - it's almost a thing song. Not a month with out the "thing" word appearing: [too bad the search doesn't return KWIC}


:) XoX (:

Congratulations on your blogiversary!

Happy Blogiversary to you, Happy Blogiversary to you, Happy Blogiversary to you, Happy Blogiversary Dear Mamamusings,, and Happy Blogiversary to you!!!!

Thank you for introduction me the meaning of the blog at class in almost year ago!

Happy Blogiversary. And what a year it's been.




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This page contains a single entry by Liz Lawley published on October 22, 2003 8:42 AM.

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