many-to-many moves


Many-to-Many, the group weblog on social software that I'm an author of, has switched to a new hosting service, and a brand-new MovableType backend.

If you read the site via a browser, the URL hasn't changed. But if you read it via an aggregator, the RSS feed has been relocated. There are now two flavors--an RSS 1.0 version, and an RSS 2.0 version. I'm planning to add a Pie/Echo/Atom feed, as well, but haven't quite gotten there yet.


Great! Any chance we can we get a full feed rather than an extract option??? Plus a similar full feed option for your blog would be appreciated. Have I missed it somewhere? Thanks. Makes for happy readers!


Awesome. Now that you guys are regularly pinging, I know when the site has been updated as well. Great new look too.


This may not be the right place to bring it up, but as your posting was about a technical issue - here goes: could you tell someone to please edit Many-to-many's css file to include fonts that look OK in non-MS/Mac browsers? To be specific, fonts like palatino, georgia and garamond are not standard on Linux. It's so easy to add "Helvetica" and "Times" to the font list in the MT stylesheet, and yet amazingly many people fail to do so. Thanks in advance! :-)

Interesting. Is Corante moving all blogs over (from WebCrimson)? Will you guys be accepting incoming trackback pings? Many-to-Many is one of my favorite group blogs.


The MT software is there, for any other Corante authors who want to move. I'm not volunteering to do all the setup for them, however; it was pretty time-consuming to set up the templates. (Ours was more difficult, because of the multi-author and guest author issues.)

And yes, we're accepting trackback pings. If you look at the site, you'll see that many of the new posts have trackbacks, and we're listing recent trackbacks in the sidebar.

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This page contains a single entry published on September 13, 2003 5:43 PM.

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