integrating blogrolling


I'm a big fan of Jason DeFillippo's Blogrolling service--a paying member since way back in November of '02, in fact.

It's an excellent service, and one that's useful to both neophyte and experienced bloggers. So I have to agree with him that pings to the service really ought to be integrated into the MT (and TypePad) engine. Sure, MT users can add the blogrolling RPC address into their MT configuration manually (Weblog Config-->Preferences-->Publicity, add to the "Others" box.). But that assumes that they know to do it--which most will not.

On a related note, one sour note in MT's new TypePad is that I can't find any way to integrate my blogrolls (yes, I have big advantage of being a paying member is that I can maintain separate topical blogrolls--not just the ones that appear on the sidebar here, but also short-term blogrolls for classes). The TypeList feature is nifty, but I've already built my lists of people, and I want to be able to update them in one central location. As a Pro user, I can add the code to my templates, but I'd really like to see it incorporated into the interface directly.


The HTML for Blogrolling lists can be placed into a Links TypeList in TypePad, or you can import an OPML file into your People TypeList.

And we've been considering adding Blogrolling pinging for a while, as Jason knows, so it should only get easier for users of the system.

Just to clear the air I was teasing Anil and SixApart. I've talked to Ben (he wrote me first for the record) about integrating Blogrolling into the TypePad experience so it's on the slate but they're damn busy with getting their site launched. And I've also talked to Ben about making the OPML import/exporting between our two systems as easy and bug free as possible. I'm a fan of their work and don't want to start anything but sometimes my razor sharp sarcasm is lost in the translation ;-)

Oh, fine. Just *fine*. Out me as an irony-impaired member of the community. See if I care. :)

Doesn't mean you weren't right ;-)




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This page contains a single entry by Liz Lawley published on August 3, 2003 10:18 AM.

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