Okay, it's official. The blog has moved. If you're reading this, you're at the new home of mamamusings: http://mamamusings.net/
(Alternate URLs that will work include www.mamamusings.net, www.mamamusings.com, and mamamusings.com.)
While I've set up automatic redirection from the main page and the individual archives, I'd appreciate it if you'd update your blogrolls--and your RSS readers/aggregators--to reflect my new home. (I'm about to add a final entry on the old site so that those of you reading only via RSS will be able to find me here.)
I had planned to reskin along with moving, but moving turned out to be a serious hassle, so the redesign will have to wait 'til I've gotten some sleep.
You'll need to claim your blog again for it to show up with this new URL.
Done. Here's hoping everybody updates their links. Hate to see that Cosmos decline. :)
BTW, Technorati is picking up dozens of links from old blog to new...any way to get it to calm down? (Other than what I just did, which is replace the old index file with a new "forwarding address" page?)
Are you going to move your FOAF file too?