new foaf file


Ooops. Forgot about the FOAF file until Sam Ruby pointed it out to me.

I've created a new FOAF file at, and linked to it in the header of this blog. Will update my technorati profile, as well.

Is it possible to use .htaccess to redirect from the old foaf file to the new one, as well? Seems like it ought to be. Will try it.

What about the RSS feeds? Can those be redirected as well?

<sigh> Will be glad when this is all done.


It's a convoluted solution- but I handled something like this by defining (via .htaccess) .xml and .rdf files as PHP scripts, then putting the header("Location:") function at the top of those files.

If you have access to mod-rewrite, there is a less convoluted way to do this entirely in your .htaccess file:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule foaf.rdf [R=permanent]

As to whether existing aggregators support this today, that question is harder to answer.

Thanks Sam, I've added that tip to :)

Time to change your link on the Many-to-Many blog too - it still points to the address.

Just think, though. If you'd waited even longer it would have been worse!

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This page contains a single entry published on July 26, 2003 1:08 PM.

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