it's official!


Walked into my bi-weekly breakfast with RIT's president and provost, and the first word out of each of their mouths was "Congratulations!"

I'm tenured.

It wasn't a surprise, but it was an extraordinary, enormous relief.

My deepest and most heartfelt thanks to all of you who provide support--direct and indirect--through this process. E-mails are forthcoming to the many who wrote letters on my behalf.



I wish I could say something other than congratulations so that I'd seem original, but oh well...


WooHoo! Go Liz! Well deserved

Congratulations, Liz... It's a concept that seems so infinitely far off for me, but I think you thoroughly deserve it. Well done... gee... what's next? :)

It's not terribly original this deep in your comments, but congratulations all the same.

Liz, I'm happy for you, and well deserved!

Does this mean you're buying if we ever meet?

Brilliant Liz!!! Good on ya!

YEAAA! Congratulations Liz! Way to go!

Wahoo! Congratulations!!!

Hip hip hip hooray! Liz, we September Moms are all so proud of you (even though you blogged it before telling us!)

This is wonderful news! What a relief. (Doing the happy dance :-)





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This page contains a single entry by Liz Lawley published on February 28, 2003 10:50 AM.

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