Jeneane is getting a Sidekick from Amazon ($50 after rebates, same monthly cost as my current phone) and I'm really jealous. But there's no way I can afford to spend the $250 up front before the rebate checks come in (nor, to be honest, can I justify spending even $50 on a phone and mobile-blogging tool I don't really need, no matter how fabulous it might be), so I can only gaze longingly at the picture.
And Kottke points to the iTrip, a way cool iPod accessory that I'd also love:
The iTrip FM transmitter for the iPod can play your music through any FM radio in your car, at a party, wherever the mood strikes you - and you have a radio.
There are times when being a single-income household is frustrating. I know we're doing the right thing for the kids by having my husband stay home with them--he's a room parent, an active cub scout parent, and home when they get off the bus every day. But I do find myself coveting some of the luxuries that people bringing home two incomes can afford. I know I'm just whining, and that I should (and do, I swear) feel grateful for how very much we have, and how blessed we are by our good health and comfortable lives. But hey, this is negativity week, so I'm letting my dark side hang out for a bit. It'll pass.
Good News for Everyone.
Garth Mobile offer Sidekick for $75.00.
please click on