local blog infamy


My two best friends in Rochester (Elouise and Steve) are currently doing a technology/gadget focused radio show called "What The Tech!" (think Gizmodo meets BoingBoing, without visuals) for our local PBS station.

Last Saturday they focused on weblogs, and ran a 15-minute interview with me. The archives include both a streaming QT and a downloadable MPEG version of the show--the downloadable is much better quality, if you've got the bandwidth for a 49MB download. (If your browser, like mine, plays the MPEG directly, you can right-click on the downloadable link to save it locally.)

If you want to skip ahead to blog segments, they start at about the 11-minute mark. My "bleeding edge" interview starts at the 14:50 mark. I didn't particularly enjoy listening to it, but a number of folks locally have told me how helpful they found it. Go figure.


When is it on? Which station?


Saturdays at 11am, on WXXI (AM 1370). See http://whatthetech.org/ for details.

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry published on January 22, 2003 12:50 PM.

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