pattern languages for ICTs

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From Seb's site, a link to an interesting article called Academics on the Web: finding each other /ourselves.

There has been a recurring problem in academia concerning how people find each other rather than just the officially published work and how people find themselves or position themselves as part of a wider /global community. The Web and Internet technologies now provide opportunities to create presence 'out-there' of self and work but collectively we could also try to find ways to critically re-evaluate our work and debate and question the moral basis for what we find ourselves doing.

It's from a CPSR program called Shaping the Network Society: Patterns for Participation, Action and Change. As a part of that, they've created a system to store and share "pattern languages for living communication."

A related article on the site, Uncovering and Understanding Our Common Language by Doug Schuler, includes several of those patterns.

Guess I need to read up more on the whole concept of pattern languages. I understand it in a broad sense, but it's cropping up everywhere these days, and I think I need a better/deeper understanding of exactly what it is.

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I've just posted an entry to mamamusings about pattern languages for communication technologies, especially academic communication. Seems relevant to the Read More

mamamusings: pattern languages for ICTs is from liz lawley's blog and would seem to have useful commentary and links about Read More

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