Once again, it appears that librarians are leading the way in analyzing and explaining a key information distribution technology. Greg Notess, a columnist fo the library magazine Online, has an excellent article entitled The Blog Realm: RSS, Aggregators, and Reading the Blog Fantastic. He also wrote a column on blogs last month, called "The Blog Realm:�
News Sources, Searching with Daypop, and Content Management".
But for every blogger out there, there are probably a dozen or more others who prefer reading to writing. With the explosion of Weblogs come new ways of reading them.The solutions used to keep up with blogs are often called news aggregators. Much of the current software is still buggy and imperfect. It is in some ways like the early days of the Web when many issues were still being resolved, but these approaches may well become more integrated into e-mail, Web browsing, and stand-alone software in the next few years.
Makes me proud to be a librarian, it does.
(Thanks to Corante on Blogging for the reference.)