live! in person! it's jill/txt


jill.jpg I'm waching Jill Walker give a talk at HUMLab in Sweden right now. (Click on the image to see the larger version.)

They've set up a realmedia stream, and a chat environment, so I'll be able to type questions later that the audience can see on the screen.

The talk is in a Scandinavian language that I don't understand (not sure if it's Norwegian, Jill's native language, or Swedish). But because Jill's provided notes on her talk, and is talking about blogs that she's displaying, I can follow along reasonably well.

It's an amazing thing, all this technology. I can be watching Jill in Sweden, chatting with the audience there via text chat, IM'ing my 8-year-old son, talking on the phone with a colleague, waving hello to colleagues in the hall outside my office, and writing this blog entry, all at the same time. It's not information overload, it's interaction overload. I don't do well at splintering my attention in this way, so I'm going to close my door, close iChat, hang up the phone, and turn my attention to Jill and the chat.



We can see you seeing us!!!

Thanks for attending our seminar and being present in the lab. I'm listening to Jill and moderating the chat (using a laptop and a wireless connection) and the seminar at the same time. Not too much overload!




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This page contains a single entry by Liz Lawley published on November 20, 2002 9:48 AM.

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